Sharna, a traveling photographer from Australia.  After some time spent solo traveling throughout Latin America, I fell in love with the rich Culture of Mexico and decided to make Puerto Vallarta my home. Traveling throughout this beautiful country has enriched me with so many incredible experiences, from its diverse landscapes and way of living, to its beautiful heart centered, like minded souls, that reside here. I am so incredibly grateful to call this magical place my home.

I specialize in Candid moments through Events, Sports, Fashion and Lifestyle. Capturing the authentic expressions and the unexpected joys that are normally left only a memory. Alongside this , my soul’s Collection,  Sunset Meds. A Small collection of the sun melting into the ocean waves and moments that fuel my soul.   

My passion as a photographer started a little over 13 years ago, when my 9-5 office job sent my position overseas and left me jobless. Left feeling lost in the unknown of what’s next, I turned to my camera as a way of therapy, losing myself in nature, where time disappeared and only magic was to be found. However little did I know, that within this journey to nowhere, is where I was going to find what sets my soul on fire.    

My intention is to create art that will inspire viewers to look at the world in a different light, through another lens, and perhaps expose the secret powers of our human potential through doing exactly what your heart desires, through the magic of flow, laughter, play, and adventure. Only to remember that you are limitless and there really is only One Love.